Canteen Stores Department (CSD) AFD Items Online Store Sale – FAQ
CSD Car Purchase Eligibility 2021 PDF | Availability Certificate for CSD format
CSD Document 2021
A. Documents Required for Purchase of AFD Stores
- Self attested copy of individual Canteen Smart Card.
- Indent form available at URCs and also on, duly filled and countersigned. Common format for indent form for purchase of AFD is att at Appx.
- Availability certificate from authorized CSD dealer. The details of authorized CSD dealers are available at www.
- Copy of payment details made through RTGS, NEFT to the CSD Account Number by the beneficiary from his, her, joint account only (except loan cases). Payment in loan cases can be through the Banker, Individual’s account.
- The bank account number of CSD Depot can be obtained through nominated URC.
- Self attested copy of PPO, discharge book, discharge certificate, release certificate wrt ESM and Serving Certificate WRT serving personnel.
- Self attested copy of PAN card.
B. Affidavit by the individual, proof of address, self-attested copy of driving license has been done away with.
C. Action by Beneficiaries, URCs
- Check and confirm availability of desired product in CSD through
- Visit the authorized CSD dealer and obtain availability certificate. The details of authorized CSD dealers are available at No advance amount is to be paid to the dealers by the beneficiaries.
- If the item is listed in CSD and available with the authorized dealer, visit any nominated URC for AFD, fill up the indent form, obtain countersignature from Chairman URC, designated officer (Serving officer not below the rank of full Colonel, equivalent) nominated by the Formation HQ (not from Station HQ, ZSWB) and submit the documents at the URC. Beneficiaries will be responsible for the correctness of data. Further, Beneficiaries will not visit the depot and are not required to visit Station HQ, ZSWB for countersignature, as the same will be done by
Chairman URC, designated officer (Serving officer not below the rank of full Colonel, equivalent) nominated by the Formation HQ. Formation HQ must consider proximity location of nominated Officers wrt URCs and availability of such Officers to avoid inconvenience to beneficiaries. - Post verification of documents by URC management, make payment to CSD HO (the bank account number of CSD depot can be obtained through nominated URC) and hand over the complete set of documents (Two sets), including copy of payment slip to URC. The URC will thereafter take action to collect the Local Supply (LS) order from the CSD Depot. Beneficiaries are requested not to contact any middlemen or so called “CSD Dealers” to process applications for AFD-I items.
- Beneficiaries will ensure that the Canteen Smart cards are functional and validity of card has not expired prior to making online payments.
- In cases of refunds, cancellation of order, beneficiaries will submit a written application along with supporting documents for cancellation, refund at URC from where the indent form was submitted. The nominated URC will process it to the depot at the earliest. In all such cases, the refund will be made within 30 days from date of receipt of refund application at nominated URC.
- URCs will record sale of AFD items on the canteen smart card of individual only post issue of LS order by CSD Depot.
(viii) For special sanction cases, URC will forward a copy of LS order to M/s SCPL for record purpose.
D. There is no requirement to make entry into original documents (PPO, Discharge documents).
E. Actions by Countersigning Authority.
- Countersigning Authority will fully be conversant on the entitlement policies, documentation procedure and also will satisfy him, herself about the authenticity of the documents, before countersigning them.
- Countersigning Authority along with the beneficiary will be held responsible for correctness of details in the documents.
- Only entitled beneficiary will be permitted to submit documents and collect Local Supply (LS) Order from nominated URCs. Exemptions will be given only to physically handicapped, disabled and veterans above 75 years. In such cases on authority letter from the beneficiary will be required, Copy of Disability certificate will be attached with authority letter submitted with nominated URCs. Date of birth can be verified from the indent itself and should be mentioned in the authority letter.
- This letter may please be disseminated to all ranks under respective command and given wide publicity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I pay through Payment Gateway/ Online Payment when I have opted for a loan?
- For loan the only payment option is direct transfer because the payment gateway will accept only full payments.
Dealer Price is filled but still, the error is showing, “Billing dealer price is required filed. ”?
- The “Dealer Price” has to be exactly the same as the “Net price to be Paid”.
Can I change the pre-filled details in checkout form?
- No, all these details are picked from the registration form that the user filled while registration. Please contact the helpdesk for further query.
Can I buy a second car from AFD within 5 years of buying the first car, if I transfer the first one to my family member’s name?
- No, the car cannot be transferred before completing 5 years of purchase.
When can I buy the same category product again?
- Any product of the same kind can only be bought once in a specified period. Kindly contact CS Directorate for more information.
Why do I get this alert, “You are not entitled to purchase the selected car”?
- There are three entitlement categories (Officers, JCO, OR) and every category has a different allowance. If any user is getting the above said message then the user must choose a different product of lower value within their allowed limit.
What if I forget my login password?
- You can reset your password using “lost your password” on login page.
Why can’t I login after registration? Or Why my login details are invalid after registration?
- Users will be notified on registered email address after administrator’s approval. Login account will remain invalid till approval.
Why do I get this alert, “Email already exists”?
- There is an username that is already registered with the same email id.
Why do I get this alert, “User Name already exists”?
- The username entered has already been registered. Please choose different username.
Why do I get this alert, “Chip Number already exists”?
- There are high chances that you already have username registered with the same Chip Number. Please contact the helpdesk at 0120-4699923.
Why do I get this alert, “Grocery Card ID already exists”?
- There are high chances that you already have username registered with the same Grocery Card ID. Please contact the helpdesk at 0120-4699923.
What are mandatory documents for registering at CSD-AFD?
- Grocery Card, Canteen Card
- Beneficiary Mobile Number
- PAN Card